Litany for Healthcare Workers During COVID-19

God, we are besieged.
The numbers of ill and dying are mounting up.
The emotional rollercoaster is taking its toll. 
The disruption to every aspect of life is undeniable. 

As a nation, we were unprepared for such a crisis,
And our reserves are limited. 

We lift to you those most affected:
The sick, and their caregivers,
Those doctors, nurses, and support people doing all they can
With what resources they have, to save lives. 

We ask for your mercy to be upon them,
That they may be kept safe from disease,
Filled with professional wisdom,
Given bodily nourishment and rest,
Provided with adequate equipment,
Energized by supernatural means,
Supported by prayers of the people,
Relieved by more hands joining the work,
Resourced by state and federal leadership,
And that this crisis would come to a swift end.

We know many caring professionals are at the end of their strength,
So we pray that your spirit would meet them,
That your strength would become theirs,
That your love would bolster them. 

We pray for the awakening of all people
So that each may do their part to stop the spread.
We pray for our country and our world,
That we may come into a more Christ-like consciousness. 

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
