Easter Day (Year B): Litany for Christ’s Life

God, in human form you lived on the earth,
Doing ordinary things;
But also doing extraordinary things:
Preaching, teaching, healing, calling.
You proclaimed the Good News from a human mouth:
The Kingdom of God is here!

Your good work and proclamation drew the attention of worldly powers
Who perceived it as a threat,
Because it was: The kingdom of God undoes everything it touches
And builds it again newly.

And, by the power of human sin, violence, and confusion -
You were killed -
A fate you did not resist, but instead accepted -
You were buried -
So that you might shame the powers, and teach them a new way:
You were resurrected!

Hallelujah! This changes everything!
From the enemies we love, to the suffering we accept -
From the violence we reject, to the justice-mercy-healing work we do -
This Way-of-God-come-down-to-earth completely rearranges our perspective!

For Christ has torn the temple down
And rebuilt it.
The Way of God came down.
The Way of God lives on in us.
